2024 Monthly Meetings
Meetings are held at 9:00am every third Saturday of the month (April thru September) at various establishments.
April 24th = Norm’s Hollow
W6902 Cty Hwy A, Pearson, 715-484-4413
May 18th = Tombstone-Pickeral Sno Club
N9398 County Road DD, Pickerel
June 15th = Campfire Bar & Grill
580 Flint Ridge Ln, Pickerel, 715-484-2603
July 20th = Norm’s Hollow
W6902 Cty Hwy A, Pearson, 715-484-4413
August 17th = Campfire Bar & Grill
580 Flint Ridge Ln, Pickerel, 715-484-2603
September 21st= Norm’s Hollow
W6902 Cty Hwy A, Pearson, 715-484-4413